Quilter's Haven ClubsMachine Embroidery & Software Clubs Join us in person at Quilter's Haven to enjoy the Machine Embroidery & Software Club classes! Classes are planned for the 3rd Monday of the month - mornings & afternoons. Cindy will continue to send out a monthly email with the class descriptions. If you can't join us for the class, you can come to the shop to purchase any of the classes (including prior months) and drop off your 3.0 or 3.1 USB drive (32gig). Cindy will email you when your USB is ready. Cost is $20 for each individual class. Some classes may have kits available - priced separately. Call the shop to register! 605-322-7071 Machine Embroidery Club
Software Club Each month we will explore a different feature in the BERNINA Embroidery Software V9 DesignerPlus - a highly comprehensive suite of tools. If you have a prior version, you can still join us as we will be covereing many basics. This is a guided video/demo class, you do not need to bring your sewing machine. Bring your 3.0 USB stick and you can take the class and the included designs home with you. We will meet the 3rd Monday of the month in the afternoon @ 1:00pm.
Quilter's Haven is located in Rosemount, Minnesota, about 1/2 mile north of County Road 42 (150th St.) on Highway 3 (South Robert Trail). County Road 42 (150th St.) traveling West is accessible from 52 and 55, and Hwy 35W or 77 (Cedar Ave) to the East. QUILTER'S HAVEN
2930 146th Street Suite 108
Rosemount, MN 55068
Telephone: 651-322-7071
Email Us: quilthav@frontiernet.net